About Us

Black and Brown children deserve education technologies that are designed for them.

At the Edtech Equity Project, we believe in a world that boldly prioritizes racial equity. Black and Brown students make up over half of all students in American K-12 public schools, a statistic that is much higher in the country’s high-poverty schools and largest school districts. 

We have also seen the way bias in algorithmic systems has led to racial discrimination in the criminal justice system, job recruitment, healthcare, loan decisions, and more. 

Let’s get ahead of this in education.

The edtech industry needs leaders who commit to racial equity in the design and development of technologies for schools. Schools must champion the needs of their Black and Brown students and hold edtech companies accountable for their impact on all students, prior to purchase. We provide free tools to help edtech companies and schools get started.

What we are passionate about

Our Work

AI in Education Toolkit
For Companies
The AI in Education Toolkit for Racial Equity provides tangible practices your team should implement at each stage of the design and development process to uncover and mitigate racial bias. Take a deeper look into the data you collect and the way your products impact Black and Brown students. 
Procurement Guide
For School Leaders
By asking the right questions during procurement, schools become powerful partners in advocating for racially equitable edtech products. These questions and the associated evaluation rubric will help your school work together with companies to address racial bias that might otherwise be amplified by these products. 
Advocacy Toolkit
For Racial Equity Advocates
Black and Brown children deserve educational experiences that are designed for them, which should include the edtech products that schools use every day. Ask schools to prioritize racial equity during the edtech procurement process, and hold edtech companies accountable for the impact of their products.